
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Katy Perry: (805) 754-2138
To: Big Bad Bart
Date: May 3, 2008 4:28 PM
Subject: RE: Madonna LOVES Katy Perry!


----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Big Bad Bart
Date: May 2, 2008 11:53 PM

That's "you're angry", you fucking retard.
Learn to properly put a goddamn sentence together before you get sarcastic with me. Congratulations on your success, you fucking antichrist.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: KATY PERRY... is not what good girls do
Date: May 2, 2008 9:38 PM

Your angry!
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Big Bad Bart
Date: May 2, 2008 4:26 PM

FYI: You, Madonna, and Ryan Seacrest are jackasses.
How did you end up my friend? Someone must have hacked into my page and befriended you. Your music is horrible. Only a 60 year old would think your shit is edgy and hip. Madonna hasn't been edgy in the last two decades. Congrats.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: KATY PERRY... is not what good girls do
Date: May 1, 2008 3:03 PM

Click here to listen to Madonna talk about Katy Perry on Ryan Seacrest!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting, this whole "Katy Perry as Antichrist" thing....I think this is a subject worth pursuing and opening up to a well-reasoned discussion and/or debate. By now, I think we can all agree that President Obama is not, in fact, the Antichrist, as some far-right pundits have suggested. So why not Katy Perry? After all, 1) She's apparently quite homophobic, as evidenced by her song "Ur so Gay", 2) She doesn't practice what she preaches either and therefore could be a false prophet, as evidenced by her song "I Kissed a Girl", and 3)She's been endorsed by a woman who takes her name from the Holy Mother herself (Madonna), yet who has been known to frequently indulge in all manner of sinful impropriety that was considered "edgy" and "hip" until about 20 years ago, as Big Bad Bart has so aptly pointed out. So I think Bart may have a really good point here. Katy Perry as the Antichrist...I for one wouldn't be quick to disagree with him on this, and will strive to keep an open mind.
